
Pool / Jacuzzi / Spa / Sauna - Track it!

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Pool / Jacuzzi / Spa / Sauna - Track it!

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Welcome to the Pool / Jacuzzi / Spa / Sauna template. This Template is designed to track and store all your details in one place:

  • Keep track of multiple Spas, Pools, and Saunas.
  • Track issues with water or equipment.
  • Keep track of service providers that sell to you or assist you.
  • Track chemicals and their brands.
  • Keep track of all your levels (pH, Alkalinity, Chlorine, etc.).
  • Record every time you add chemicals.
  • Track usage - How much are you using it? How many people have been in it?
  • Record every time you have to dump or fill the water.
  • Easily store instructions on what to do when you empty, fill, top up, clean, or test levels.
  • Store all your documents, plans, and registration details in one place.
  • Share with your partner or work colleagues.
  • Comes with full video instructions.

Perfect for those with Pools, Saunas or Juccuzzi's. Any issues you can email me hello@notion.family

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You get 10 databases all interconnected. Full video Instructions.

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